Battery Storage

Store your excess electricity to use when you need it

Battery storage at a commercial level is a way of further saving on your electricity costs, storing excess electricity generated by your solar system and using it when you need it most. In addition, if you have access to cheaper electricity at periods of lower demand (such as during the night) your batteries can charge directly from the grid, allowing you the opportunity to store energy cheaply and use it at your leisure.

Our solar battery solutions can also be used as backup power systems, giving you peace of mind in the event of a disruption to your mains power supply, particularly at critical times to the business.

All our battery storage systems are modular and can be scaled up or down depending on the needs and usage of your business. Our team of expert designers can advise on the perfect storage solution for your needs.

Solar Energy Battery Storage
Solar Energy Battery Storage

Why Battery Storage?

Commercial battery storage, like commercial solar, has rapidly fallen in price in recent years, offering a fantastic return on investment for discerning businesses looking to gain more energy independence.

Not only can businesses access their own self-generated energy, but businesses can further reduce their energy usage and environmental impact by force-charging at non-peak times. As specialists in the development of bespoke renewable systems, our team can advise on how to maximise the benefits of a system and whether battery storage is suitable.

Contact Us Today

If you would like to discuss your businesses requirements and find out how we can help you save thousands on your energy bills please complete the form below or give us a call

01422 414850